

33.333333333333333333333333330% Complete

As you want it to appear on your certificate.

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When writing your testimony, please do so in the order listed below:
1. Introduce yourself! What would people like to know about you? Tell us about you, your family, your interests, your school, your profession, etc. (Example: I’m married to Jane and we have three great kids. We moved here from Chicago and I’m a long-suffering Cubs fan!)
2. Describe your life prior to salvation. What stage of life were you in? What events or circumstances brought you to understanding your need to trust Jesus as your Savior?
3. Share how and when you received Jesus as your Savior. Tell your unique story of what Jesus did specifically for you, and what you experienced at the time of your salvation. If applicable, include relevant Scripture references and who shared the Gospel with you.
4. Share how your life is different now. What is life like now? How are your thoughts, words, actions, and relationships different? How has faith grown? (Examples: I now know I have eternal life. I am more patient. I have forgiven those who hurt me. I have peace of mind, etc.)
5. Close by sharing why you are being baptized today. (Examples: “I want to be baptized to be obedient to Jesus” or “I want to be baptized to show others that Jesus is my Lord and Savior.”)
Maximum of 250 words.

Read some examples of testimonies here.